Pet Apparel from Southeast Asia
Buyer News
2020-03-30 Testrite Group
Pet Apparel from Southeast Asia
i am looking for Southeast Asia pet apparel manufactures. factories need to have 3rd party adudit experience and product testing for US market we are the agent of US pet product online sales retailer Chewy, our FOB amount is around 2.5 million in 2019 and is still growing. for Chewy&Testrite group learning, log on below: Thanks and Best Regards Amy Huang Test Rite - Sourcing Agency Group(Shenzhen) Tel: +86-755-8355 0430 Ext. 8287 Mobile phone (CN): +86 13723478645 Email: WeChat ID: amyhuanghj82 Address: 3F, No. 1-2 Huang Du Square, No. 3008, Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, 518048, China ��ַ: �����и���^����·3008̖�ʶ��V��1-2̖��1-3��